A United Front

Unite. Explore. Attack. Three words that can help you during this crisis, your business and your country. 

Working from home is opening up many pockets of distraction-free (apart from hearing my little boy playing downstairs) moments of reflection. Reflection is the key to kick start my learning cycle and improvement loop to be better in terms of my leadership and performance. Leading to better contributions to the clients I work with, to my country and my community.

During my daily reflection, I wrote down three words. These words sit at the heart of everything I do. They are my attitude; they are my values; they are my guides. Today as I wrote these three words. I got gripped by the gravity of them relating them to the world we find ourselves living in now.   

COVID-19 has thrown us together. We have been forced to UNITE. Despite social distancing measures, we have never been so connected. Yes, we are all missing the social interaction we've been used to; however, we are all taking advantage of technology to stay connected.  

We are untied behind saving lives and doing our bit by staying home. Within our organisations, we are united around the common cause we all share of ensuring our companies survive the economic turmoil this pandemic will bring.   

All over the world scientists and engineers are collaborating on vaccines and test kits, surgical masks, and new hospitals. Never before have we seen such collaboration on a global scale. As we speak, there are over 40 clinical trials for vaccines. Hospitals are springing up in our major cities in record times, a genuinely collaborative effort, like the Nightingale hospital in London. Surgical masks are being 3D printed. Endless webinars are bringing people together, sharing insights on how to lead through this crisis. Seven hundred fifty thousand volunteered to help out the NHS, and they had to stop the recruitment campaign as they didn't anticipate the sheer scale of numbers.   

Never before have we seen this level of humanity and goodness!. We are all learning to dig deep and EXPLORE new ways of working, be that working from home or using modern technology. For my parents who aren't that tech-savvy, getting on "house party" has been hilarious to watch. A painful process for them as they learn how to download apps, set up accounts then work out a new user interface so they can call and connect with the rest of us. 

We are all exploring, learning as we go. Scientists, engineers, and manufacturers are all exploring new ways to battle the virus or help out our countries. Brewdog who usually makes independent craft beer has just produced and donated hand sanitizers to the NHS. Radical learnings are being adopted. They even shared their learnings accelerating other manufacturers learnings. 

What you see from pockets all over the world is people united around doing something, exploring and innovating and then doing something with it. They are going out and Attacking the opportunities. It's this proactive, on the front foot offensive mindset that is being played out all over the world. People are facing up to the problem, collaborating a solution and getting it done.   

When I look at these words Unite, Explore, Attack, I see the world getting behind them. I'm finding more substantial meaning to these values and seeing how they can help us all exercise our leadership and contribute in better ways.   

Ways to use Unite, Explore, Attack

At Lean Practice Ltd, we use these three words as phases/steps for our transformation process. 

  1. We align and unite your teams with a purpose, direction and measurable goals. Creating a common cause, your teams will not be denied.

  2. We help your teams develop the mindsets and skills to explore innovative ways to improve their workflow. Creating curiosity and passion for always doing better.

  3. We put your teams on the front foot to go out and attack all the opportunities around. Creating an attitude of getting things done. 

We also use them as our business values:

Unite - we stand shoulder to shoulder with our customers and partners, with skin in the game to be better, faster. We will not be denied what we seek.

Explore - we have a contagious curiosity of what could be and will find ways to get there.

Attack - We are on the front foot, ready for the right opportunity. We move with purpose and speak with conviction. We are doing better, faster in all we do.

During this crisis, like any micro business, we have been hit hard. However, our loyal clients are standing shoulder to shoulder with us and helping where they can - showing a united front. 

Our passion for helping people and business is forcing us to explore new ways of adding value. From an environmental point of view, we were already migrating services to virtual offerings. We used 15 tonnes of carbon last year on travel, so we needed to act. We now have to accelerate this. We are also exploring and experimenting with our core product to ensure it is fit for purpose during this pandemic and what will be required afterwards. 

While I pride myself on being productive, I must admit I'm not always on the front foot attacking opportunities. Cognitive Loading has been extremely high. My days are spent like many business owners making strategic decisions for the business and tactical ones to ensure we still have a business. Thinking creatively, getting in a productive flow state is hindered by this overload. So I have been white-knuckling lots of days, a practice that will lead to burn out. I'm learning to take the advice I give to clients:

"to remain at optimal performance, sometimes the thing you need to perform at is rest and recuperation. You can't run at peak performance all the time; you will get diminishing results, worse, your health will subside, then where will you be?". 

My intent with this article was to share three words, words I believe if we all got behind, can help each other out of this crisis. It's helped me articulate my thoughts and acknowledge it's not all plain sailing, despite what I tell myself. Thank you for taking the time to read it.


PS For an amusing metaphor, I wrote about where I find myself have a read of "My arms are aching, and I’m not getting nowhere."


You need Command and Control


My arms are aching and I'm not getting anywhere