The Side Project

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Side Project, it comes across gimmicky?

Lol, yeah it could be seen that way. The Side Project was inspired by David Hieatt and Mike Coulter from the DO Lectures (

In 2017 they wrote a fantastic report called the “Side Project Report” on business leaders who created their businesses on the side. A side hustle that developed into big things. I've taken the name of this, as I see creating time to work on you is crucial to maintaining and raising performance. Most people don't do this. They might have side hustles however I believe if you don't invest in yourself, you will end up with diminishing returns.

Back in 2013, when I entered the Marathon Des Sables, I had to go from running 10K with aches to doing 100-mile weeks with back to back 20 milers on the weekend. Just to be fit enough to be able to complete the worlds toughest footrace. The demand on my training was immense; however, so was the demand from work and my family. I needed a new way of operating, a system that would boost my productivity. I ran my own side project on me.

I've now combined the work we do for teams and businesses and our existing coaching programmes into an intense three-week programme. A programme that will produce a new system of performance, a flywheel that will deliver what you want.

It's a system that will enable you to operate at optimal performance, (optimal - doing what is required to produce your end result).

Gimmicky - maybe in the name, not in the results.

What does it involve?

The coaching programme will be three weeks duration.

It's a combination of Group coaching, 1:1 Coaching and Online Community.

Group coaching via Zoom will be a live content delivery, and breakout rooms on a Monday 1600hrs followed up by a live Q and A on a Friday at 1600hrs.

The majority of 1:1 Coaching will be via direct message via the online platform or email if preferred. During week two, there will be an optional 30-minute Coaching check-in via zoom and an optional 45-minute Coaching session via zoom during the 30 days post the programme.

Online Community will be hosted on Slack. Content/Resources will be signposted that you can use. Community forums will operate so you can help each other during the programme, as well as receiving direct Coaching from us. This community will be open to you so you can always access the materials, gain and give support to fellow members.

Your engagement and participation will be encouraged throughout the group sessions and the online community. The programme is orientated around action. You will need to do things in between the sessions. You will be expected to share your progress and results, the good, bad and the ugly (if any). We will be embracing transparency and accountability so you will get things done.

When does it start?

Start dates are throughout the year depending on cohort numbers. If successful in your application you will be able to pick a start date from upcoming dates that suits you best.


Why is there an application process?

Coaching programmes are not for everyone. We want to ensure our programmes will make the biggest impact for you, so we need to know, and you need to see if it's going to be a good fit. A tonne of work has gone into this, and it will require a tonne of work from you to get the most out of it. It is intense and not for most people. If you are reading this far, you’re not most people so it may work well for you! 😁

What if I can't attend the group sessions?

All sessions will be recorded and uploaded to Slack so you can watch at a time that suits you. Your community and our coaches will be able to help you if you missed something or have a question.

Can I do it at my own pace?

Of course, all the materials will be accessible on Slack. There is a sequence to the lessons, and you will get a more in-depth understanding if you attended the live group sessions on a Monday. You can go as quick or as slow as you like. The community will always be available to you. Your dedicated coach will be with you for the duration of the programme ( 3 weeks + 30 days).

What's the cost?

I know, lets cut to the chase, what's the investment? Very small compared to the benefit and impact to you, most clients report an uplift in their salaries of at least £10,000 or increased revenues for their business by circa 25% .

It will only cost you £515.75 for the programme and to be a member of the community for life.

As part of our commitment to create a positive impact to People and Planet, for each person who purchases this programme we will be gifting a place to a person who needs it whom due to circumstances may not be in a position to afford it. This person can be of your choice or we can gift the place to someone within our existing community.